Free sample CATV signal system RF amplifiers cable tv tinplate professional 2 input uhf power 40db catv rf signal amplifier
Free sample CATV signal system RF amplifiers cable tv tinplate professional 2 input uhf power 40db catv rf signal amplifier

Product Specification

Material :Tinplate
Application :Signal amplification
Output :1
Input :2

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Free sample CATV signal system RF amplifiers cable tv tinplate professional 2 input uhf power 40db catv rf signal amplifier


If you're interested in obtaining a specific product like the "tinplate professional 2 input UHF power 40dB CATV RF signal amplifier," you can follow these general steps to acquire it:

  1. Identify the Manufacturer or Supplier: Find out which company manufactures or supplies the specific product you're looking for. You can often find this information on the product label, packaging, or through online research.
  2. Visit the Manufacturer's Website: Go to the official website of the manufacturer or supplier. They may provide information about their products, including specifications, pricing, and contact details.
  3. Contact the Manufacturer/Supplier: Reach out to the manufacturer or supplier through their provided contact information. This can be an email address, phone number, or a contact form on their website.
  4. Inquire About Samples: Once you're in contact with them, inquire about the possibility of obtaining a free sample of the "tinplate professional 2 input UHF power 40dB CATV RF signal amplifier." Some companies may offer free samples for evaluation or testing purposes.
  5. Provide Necessary Information: Be prepared to provide details such as your name, contact information, the purpose of requesting the sample, and any other information the manufacturer or supplier may require.
  6. Confirm Terms and Conditions: Ask about any terms and conditions associated with receiving a sample. Some companies may have specific requirements or limitations for sample requests.
  7. Follow the Manufacturer's Instructions: If they agree to provide a sample, follow their instructions regarding shipping, handling, and any other relevant details.

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We offer customized services that support OEM or ODM, We can customize the product with your company’s logo and also provide customization of the product’s size and wattage.



Hong Kong High Fly Technology Co., Ltd.

Room 803, Chevalier House, 45-51 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Zhuhai High Fly Technology Co., Ltd.

Room 804, Building 2, No.33, 9 Baiteng Road,Doumen District, Zhuhai city, Guangdong province,China

Zhongshan High Fly Technology Co., Ltd.

Card 1, 3rd Floor, No. 32, Zhenxiang New Street, Tanzhou Town, Zhongshan, Guangdong, China

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