Highfly wide frequency range dbc fiber AGC node active fiber ftth catv optical receiver
Highfly wide frequency range dbc fiber AGC node active fiber ftth catv optical receiver

Product Specification

The description “Highfly wide frequency range DBC fiber AGC node active fiber FTTH CATV optical receiver” suggests the availability of an optical receiver designed for specific applications in the field of FTTH (Fiber to the Home) networks, cable television (CATV), and optical communication. Here’s a breakdown of the key elements of this description:

  1. Highfly: Likely refers to the brand or manufacturer of the optical receiver, known as “Highfly.”
  2. Wide Frequency Range: Indicates that the optical receiver is designed to operate over a broad range of frequencies. This is crucial for accommodating various channels and signals, especially in CATV and FTTH applications where multiple frequency bands are used.
  3. DBC Fiber: The specific meaning of “DBC” may depend on the context or the manufacturer’s terminology. It could refer to a technology or feature related to fiber optics or signal processing.
  4. AGC (Automatic Gain Control): AGC is a control mechanism that adjusts the gain (amplification) of the received signal to maintain a consistent and optimal signal level. This helps ensure reliable signal reception.
  5. Node: Indicates that the optical receiver may be used as a node in a network. In optical communication networks, nodes are points of connection or distribution.
  6. Active Fiber: Suggests that the optical receiver may have active components or electronics incorporated into it. Active components are used to amplify or process signals.
  7. FTTH (Fiber to the Home): FTTH technology delivers high-speed internet, TV, and other services directly to homes using fiber-optic cables. The optical receiver is likely designed to integrate seamlessly into FTTH networks.
  8. CATV (Cable Television): CATV networks provide cable television services to subscribers. The optical receiver is designed for receiving cable TV signals over optical fiber.

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Hong Kong High Fly Technology Co., Ltd.

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Zhuhai High Fly Technology Co., Ltd.

Room 804, Building 2, No.33, 9 Baiteng Road,Doumen District, Zhuhai city, Guangdong province,China

Zhongshan High Fly Technology Co., Ltd.

Card 1, 3rd Floor, No. 32, Zhenxiang New Street, Tanzhou Town, Zhongshan, Guangdong, China

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